Bloomberg Professional service (the terminal) is the most powerful, flexible platform for financial professionals who need real-time data, news, analytics. Wherever you are with fingerprint.
Dear All, We are working on connecting a Bloomberg FRE100 keyboard to XenDesktop 5 SP1 installation. We have been able to connect parts of the Bloomberg keyboard, but we have continuously failed to attach Fingerprint Scanner. We have also attempted connecting a standalone Bloomberg Fingerprint Scanner (ZVETCO Model: Verifi) with no luck. Other USB devices connect to the Virtual Desktop with no issues (Web Camera, USB sticks, etc). So general UBS connectivity works as advertised. Moreover we have found a very strange sequence to make the Fingerprint Scanner available to Citrix, which consisted of pulling out the keyboard and re-plugging it back in.
This can be seen on the attached picture before_connect.jpg, the Fingerprint Scanner is nowhere to be seen in the Virtual Desktop, however it is available on the Thin Client. Then we unplug either the keyboard or a standalone scanner and we get a “Bloomberg Fingerprint Sensor” in the Desktop Viewer USB drop-down – please see “after_reconnect_1.jpg”. After we tick the checkmark next to Bloomberg devices on the Desktop Viewer USB drop-down, the Fingerprint Sensor becomes visible in the Virtual Desktop’s Device Manager (Bloomberg Secure Access Technology Device). However when we run the utility to test Fingerprint Sensor from Control Panel in the Virtual Desktop we get “Sensor Unknown”. We are able to confirm Fingerprint Scanner functionality on the thin client as seen in fingerprint_sensor_host.PNG We are using 11.1 version Bloomberg Keyboard drivers. We have closely followed however it was not helpful to us, maybe because it is related to XD 4.0 32-bit.
Kingroot apk download 442 for lollipop free. You can see my registry settings on Virtual Desktop (virtualdesktop_registry.PNG) and on the Thin Client (thinclient_registry.PNG). Our setup is as follows: Windows XP 32-bit thin client -> XenDesktop 5 SP1 Web Interface -> VMware vCenter 4.1.0 345043 -> Windows XP 32-bit VM Any help that you can extend would be deeply appreciated. Roman Lazarev (screenshots to be posted soon) Edited by: Roman Lazarev on Aug 3, 2011 4:45 AM Edited by: Roman Lazarev on Aug 4, 2011 4:09 AM. I have still this problem with the fingerprint reader!:-( I tested it with the Receiver 12.1 and with 13.0 and (fresh install with the HID-switch, and also double check the registry key) In the citrix session the fingerprint sensor doesn´t appear, only when i plug off the whole keyboard and plug it in again. Than i can see it in the 'ATSC Settings' (fingerprint control panel) only once. If i close the control panel and open it again, the reader isn´t present.
Is there any chance to find out what happen? Citrix: Environment: XD 5.1 Client: Windows 7 x86 Bloomberg Keyboard Driver: 11.1 Citrix Receiver Enterprice 12.1 and 13.0 (both tested and double checked -> CTX122615) Kind regards, Gregor Edited by: Gregor Smrz on 09:53. I seem to be running into the same problem. I tried loading the drivers on the local machine and the VM and once the VM tries to detect it, the fingerprinter reader utility doesn't show the device.
I also downloaded the older version of the device drivers and that does not seem to work. I have tried all the registry hacks that are available in CTX122615 but that does not seem to be helping either. I noticed that in the notes it did state that the fingerprint reader can only be used by the local or the vm but not at the same time. I attach it to the VM and it then does not see the reader locally. Any guesses why it wouldn't work in the VM only then?
The majority of complaints here: - Ergonomics sucks! - I can't re-map caps lock to be escape, what trash!
- This is so old! - Too expensive! - Dell makes cheaper monitors! - Fingerprint authentication can be hacked.