Running inpa software on BMW E46, E90. INPA on BMW E46. Purpose: reset BMW E46 airbag light. Tools for use: The E46 is before 2000 without the OBD2 port and the DLC port is a round 20 pin connector while INPA cable has only 16 pin connector, so I need a 20 pin to 16 pin connector. The DLC port location on BMW E46: Test procedure: Run INPA. This is a interface contains four software of BMW scanner INPA K DCAN cable + BMW DASH E6x V2.1.0 + BMW Scanner V1.4.0 + BMW Scanner V2.10 cable. The scanner comes with INPA OBD, ADS interface and none ADS cable for all all systems (K-line and CAN-BUS) of BMW series and OBDII diagnostic system. BMW E39 diagnostic software DIY (INPA, EDIABAS, NCSExpert & easy, EasyDIS, Progman) EDIT: PLEASE IMPROVE! We are constantly updating this first post, as new information comes in (until it won't let us update it anymore). BMW INPA Software is factory BMW diagnostics software that connects to all the systems and modules on BMW cars not just engine like generic scanners, it reads all BMW trouble codes and gives live diagnostics and data and GUI pages and test functions. Looking into getting INPA cable and software as now I have 3 BMW's to look after (540i,M5,ZHP). From the e39 Bentley. It is much simpler and safer than INPA. Download bmw inpa.
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