Bunker fuel is the generic term given to any fuel poured into a ship’s bunkers to power its engines. Deepsea cargo ships typically burn the heavy, residual oil left over after gasoline, diesel and other light hydrocarbons are extracted from crude oil during the refining process. • Industry material safety sheets for marine fuel oil classify it as hazardous and very toxic to aquatic life, with long-lasting effects. • Bunker fuel is graded A, B or C, with C being the thickest and most viscous, often requiring heating or blending in order to make it flow.
Mixed with up to 10 per cent of a lighter fuel, such as diesel, it becomes a cheap fuel for use in shipping. • Characterized as persistent oil, it is likely to spread large distances because it does not easily evaporate.
Prelyudiya (iz k/f 'Melodii beloj nochi') Simfonicheskij orkestr Gosudarstvennogo akademicheskogo Bol'shogo teatra 8. Progulka po nochnomu gorodu (iz k/f 'Melodii beloj nochi') Simfonicheskij orkestr Gosudarstvennogo akademicheskogo Bol'shogo teatra 9. Pesenka kavalergarda (iz k/f 'Zvezda plenitel'nogo schast'ya') Vladimir Kachan 10. 50 UKRAINS'KYKH PISEN' DLYA FORTEPIANO ('50 Ukrainian Songs for Piano') - Lysenko, Mykola. Arranged by V. Zentarsky 500 NOVYKH OSTROT ('500 New Jokes and Puns of Pushkin'). Noti dlya fortepiano melodii beloj nochi 7. 'A Man for a Young Girl (Muzhchina dlya molodoy zhenshchiny)' Liricheskaya komediya s klassicheskim lyubovnym treugolnikom - muzh, zhena, lyubovnitsa. Blagopoluchnaya i razmerennaya zhizn sostoyatelnogo, respektabelnogo cheloveka perevernulas v odno mgnovenie, stoilo geroyu prikosnutsya k redkomu i opasnomu zveryu pod nazvaniem.
• It is a brown to black liquid, with a characteristic odour. • Vapours are harmful if inhaled, exposure can cause eye or skin irritation. • Suspected of damaging fertility, may cause organ damage through prolonged exposure. • Harmful to fish, toxic to crustaceans and shellfish, very toxic to aquatic plants with potentially long-term adverse effects. • Contains constituent parts with the potential to bioaccumulate. • Left stagnant in storage tanks, deadly hydrogen sulphide gas can form.
Floorplan of the three main levels of Frederik the VIII's palace (home to the Danish crownprince couple) These plans are from 2005 when the restauration were still being planned - it has been hinted that the top floor housing the bedrooms was modified slightly before completion due to the arrival of the twins. The panoramic sight - gunsight (a telescopic device for an artillery piece) that can be rotatedhorizontally in a full circle.A sight is a device used to assist aligning or aim weapons, surveying instruments, or other items by eye.
Source: Marine engineer Brian Norohnha, BCIT; Shell Marine Fuel Oil Safety Data Sheet, Chevron Marine Products Material Safety Data Sheet and U.S. Office of Response and Restoration of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.