Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error

Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error

Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error Rating: 7,7/10 8024 votes

Hello.I'm getting the message: 'Sim 201 team#84B --->error! *err01: No CA FOUND' on the panel of my ORIGINAL DM800 HD doesn't accept me to re-flash it as it is not giving an IP address on the panel (when I keep pressing the front button and re-plug it).what should I do to get it back in life? Can someone please give me step by step instruction? Also proposal for a new stable image?

Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error

Thank youYou have flashed the box with wrong image/bootloader for your box. I put money on it that the box is a clone anyway.

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[Sitemap] Page 10 For all discussion related to E2 Models, e.g. DM800, 8000 etc. Signal bar is not working good on my dm 800 hd se clone, sim 2.01, ssl82, image Domic. DM800se - Flashing green tuner light? Format ssp pajak excel. Nova sports on Bulsatcom 39*. ERROR 01 CA NO FOUND idiots guide to setting up dm800hd as a server.

You will need the patched version of dreamup and a null modem cable. Lots of threads on this if you search and a couple of tools that will fix the problem. Main thing is to flash with correct image next time, Andy. Andy thank you.I bought a USB-to-RS232 cable and using DreamUp, after many tries, I was able to start the box and also found an image that works.but not as it was working before.because I can not find the normal Dreambox blue button functions, and the yellow, green or blue boxes in various menus contain it a matter of image? (I haven't tell you the whole story: Last year I changed the original 2.01 SIM card of the box with a 2.1 FERRARI and installed a Nemesis image.a week ago after a simple restart I made to the box, it refused to work again.I took it to a technician who diagnosed that the SIM card was burnt and so we re-installed the 2.01 SIM).do you have another image to recommend?

Andy thank you.I bought a USB-to-RS232 cable and using DreamUp, after many tries, I was able to start the box and also found an image that works.but not as it was working before.because I can not find the normal Dreambox blue button functions, and the yellow, green or blue boxes in various menus contain it a matter of image? (I haven't tell you the whole story: Last year I changed the original 2.01 SIM card of the box with a 2.1 FERRARI and installed a Nemesis image.a week ago after a simple restart I made to the box, it refused to work again.I took it to a technician who diagnosed that the SIM card was burnt and so we re-installed the 2.01 SIM).do you have another image to recommend?Simplest image to use is Dream Elite Black Hole Phoenix Edition with the Ts Panel built in. Easy to navigate around. Open Pli image is pretty simple as well but I like the black hole image better, Andy.

Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error
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