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Wahab is the author of Solid State Physics (3.91 avg rating, 196 ratings, 22 reviews, published 2005), Numerical Problems in Solid State Physics (4. Wahab is the author of Solid State Physics (3.91 avg rating, 196 ratings, 22 reviews, published 2005), Numerical Problems in Solid State Physics.
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Solid State Physics, a comprehensive study for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of pure and applied sciences, and engineering disciplines is divided into eighteen chapters. The First seven chapters deal with structure related aspects such as lattice and crystal structures, bonding, packing and diffusion of atoms followed by imperfections and lattice vibrations. Solid State Physics, a comprehensive study for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of pure and applied sciences, and engineering disciplines is divided into eighteen chapters. The First seven chapters deal with structure related aspects such as lattice and crystal structures, bonding, packing and diffusion of atoms followed by imperfections and lattice vibrations. Chapter eight deals mainly with experimental methods of determining structures of given materials. While the next nine chapters cover various physical properties of crystalline solids, the last chapter deals with the anisotropic properties of materials.