Signalizaciya Yaguar Tez B S Avtozapuskom Instrukciya Po Primeneniyu

Signalizaciya Yaguar Tez B S Avtozapuskom Instrukciya Po Primeneniyu

Signalizaciya Yaguar Tez B S Avtozapuskom Instrukciya Po Primeneniyu Rating: 9,7/10 4115 votes

Bacilli wipes, instructions. General provisions, ways of application of the means for the aim of disinfection, safety measures for working with bacillol walls, signs of acute poisoning, measures of. Abazali bakho bathi bamane bakhathazekile nje. Kodwa wena ukuthatha sengathi abazihloniphi izindaba zakho. Ngokwesibonelo: Osemusha okuthiwa u-Erin uthi: “Ubaba uvele athathe ucingo lwami, angifune ngenkani i-password bese efunda yonke imiyalezo yami.


Instructions for use (Methodical instructions for use) facilities BACILLOL AF for the purpose of disinfection 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The full name of the product is a fast-acting disinfectant for BACILLOL AF (BACILLOL AF).

Signalizaciya Yaguar Tez B S Avtozapuskom Instrukciya Po Primeneniyu

The manufacturing company is BODE Chemie GmbH (Germany). Ingredients, active ingredients and excipients,% by weight: Active ingredients: 1-propanol - 45.0; 2-propanol 25.0; Ethanol - 4.7; Auxiliary substances: 2-butanone, water - up to 100,0. Form release and physical and chemical properties of the product. The drug BACILLOL AF (hereinafter bacillol) is a clear, colorless solution with an alcohol smell. Klipart flag rossii.

The solution is ready for use. The relative density (20 ° C) is 0.853-0.857 g / cm3, the refractive index is 1.373-1.379, the pH is about 6.0. The ignition temperature is 25 ° C. The product mixes well with water, wets the surface well, dries quickly without forming a residue. The tool does not damage objects made of metal, glass, rubber, has detergent properties, it readily dissolves and removes protein, fat and other organic contaminants.

The product is not intended for disinfection of surfaces covered with alcohol-soluble varnishes, objects that are made of acrylic glass (plexiglass), nitrile rubber and other materials sensitive to alcohols. The agent is biodegradable. Appointment of funds.

Abazali bakho bathi bamane bakhathazekile nje. Kodwa wena ukuthatha sengathi abazihloniphi izindaba zakho. Ngokwesibonelo: • Osemusha okuthiwa u-Erin uthi: “Ubaba uvele athathe ucingo lwami, angifune ngenkani i-password bese efunda yonke imiyalezo yami. Uma ngizama ukumvimba, uvele acabange ukuthi kukhona engikufihlayo.” • UDenise, manje osevile eminyakeni engamashumi amabili, ukhumbula unina ebhekisisa izinombolo ezifoneliwe esikweletini socingo. “Wayefike abheke inombolo ngayinye bese engibuza ukuthi ekabani nokuthi yini ebesixoxa ngayo nalowo muntu.” • Osemusha okuthiwa uKayla uthi unina wake wafunda enye yama- diary akhe ayenezinto eziyimfihlo. “Okuningi engangikubhale lapho kwakuhlanganisa indlela engangizizwa ngayo​—ngangibhale ngisho nezinye izinto ngaye! Ngemva kwalokho ngagcina ukubhala kuyi- diary.” Nakhu okubalulekile: Kuwumthwalo wabazali bakho ukukunakekela, futhi ngeke ukwazi ukulawula ukuthi basiqinisa kangakanani isandla endleleni abakunakekela ngayo.

Kungenzeka yini ukuthi ngezinye izikhathi kubonakala sengathi basiqinisa kakhulu? Okuhle ukuthi kunezinto wena ongazenza ukuze unciphise lowo muzwa wokuthi abazali bakho bangenela ezindabeni zakho. Khuluma ngokukhululekile. IBhayibheli lisikhuthaza ukuba ‘siziphathe ngokwethembeka ezintweni zonke.’ () Zama ukukwenza lokho kubazali bakho. Uma uthembekile futhi ukhuluma ngokukhululekile nabo, bayozihlonipha ngokwengeziwe izindaba zakho nezinto zakho. Ongacabanga ngakho: Waziwa kanjani endabeni yokwethembeka? Ingabe uyanamathela esikhathini abazali abakubekela sona?

Signalizaciya Yaguar Tez B S Avtozapuskom Instrukciya Po Primeneniyu
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